
CTF scripts and writeups (mostly challenge + .py solving script)

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NC3 Jule CTF 2018 #nc3ctf2018

URL: http://nc3s4mmxv5lhq7xs.onion/

Team: Cyberlandsholdet

Place: 3 (of 459)


Indledning          ( 10 points - 426 solves): NC3{saa_simpelt}
Små Skridt          ( 50 points - 298 solves): NC3{så_er_vi_i_gang}
nisse.elf           (200 points - 138 solves): <writeup coming soon>
Fi1eCrypter         (400 points -  66 solves): <writeup coming soon>
Kan du dekode?      (450 points -  28 solves): NC3{dekodning_af_kodede_php_bytes}

breach_nem          (150 points -  59 solves): NC3{nisser_på_linjen__vi_ser_frem_til_writeups}
wallet              (350 points -   9 solves): NC3{nissens_Hawaii_deposit_adresse}
breach              (500 points -   3 solves): <we didn't solve it>

root                (500 points -  38 solves): NC3{r00t_dansemus}
storenisse          (225 points -  40 solves): NC3{godt_fundet_mester__tag_nu_den_store}
mellemnisse         (350 points -  24 solves): NC3{mellemnisse_fundet_via__rensdyrermitkode0rd}
lillenisse          (275 points -  49 solves): NC3{web_er_ikke_noget_problem_for_en_nisse__ej_heller_sqli}

nem                 (150 points -   6 solves): nc3{The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. H.P. Lovecraft}
whosdaboss          (250 points -  13 solves): NC3{asking}
svær                (400 points -   1 solves): <we didn't solve it>

agurker_svær        ( 75 points -  77 solves): NC3{Pickle_RSurt}
agurker             (150 points -  84 solves): NC3{Pickle_Rick}
Detvarderengang     (100 points - 143 solves): NC3{filystem_intet_problem}
NC3.jpg             (200 points -  32 solves): NC3{saa_snakker_vi_samme_sprog}
Billedchallenge.jpg (350 points -  52 solves): NC3{billede_i_3_dele}